ECER 2021

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerKonference


In the research project Approaching Inclusion (AppIn) we investigate how teachers and other educators collaborate and how collaboration has an impact on inclusive school development.
Our starting point is to understand inclusion as a sociological concept – not as an educational or didactic concept – and we thereby shift focus from discussions on teaching practice to the question of how teachers and other educators handle both inclusion and exclusion processes through collaborative processes.
From a sociological point of view, inclusion and exclusion are two interrelated and interdependent processes. In the project, we argue that an unambiguous focus on inclusion ignores the sociological point that all communities need to place limits on what can be included and what must be excluded in order to secure their own existence (Hansen 2012; Hansen and Bjørnsrud 2018; Jönhill 2012). From this point of view, it is not possible to understand the concept of inclusion without its otherness, exclusion, and both inclusion and exclusion processes contribute to limits to diversity in order to ensure the cohesion of the community. Therefore, no social practice could ever be limitless (Hansen 2012; 2016).
The constitution of social order is the result of balancing between individuality and collectivity and on how much diversity a social practice can accommodate before the social structure is experienced as threatened (Latour 2005, Laclau 1996). Thereby, participation is limited and from this perspective teachers and other educators are challenged in their efforts to develop inclusive schools for all (Hansen 2012, 2016, Hansen et al. 2018).
When a community needs to ensure its own cohesion, inclusive education is both about ensuring students’ right to be included and to handle a high degree of diversity and about ensuring students’ ability to participate by supporting the students to learn to be able to participate and not only compensate for their special needs. Following, teachers and other educators need to ensure students’ right to participation and to support students’ ability to participate. Inclusion is therefore a question of both rights and obligation.
Based on these assumptions, we have enquired what makes up the delineation of social practice in a school context focusing on teachers’ and other educators’ contribution to this delineation through their collaboration. Investigating the constitution of a situated social order through collaborative processes in schools makes it possible to identify the social patterns that exclude the differences that would allow the creation of a more inclusive learning environment
Periodesep. 2021sep. 2023
PlaceringGeneva , SchweizVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational