Florence Network Annual Meeting 2015

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerWorkshop


    Keep your mind open

    Meanings and understandings of nurses affect the way we care for patients and by this peoples’ lives. How do we as nurses consider the meaning of ‘the gaze’ in relation to our nurse tasks? In this workshop we practise and discuss the ‘gaze’ as an important part of nursing practice: Participants will get a copy of the 'keep your mind open' practise to use in own practice or lectures. Background:On the backdrop of lessons taught in a clinical module at Metropolitan University College the workshop focuses on nursing within the fields of Primary Health Care and Public Health Care.The fields of Public Health nursing imply a number of interesting and challenging dilemmas. On the one hand nurses perceive themselves in possession of professional knowledge about ‘healthy life’. On the other hand the concept of health may be a subject of multiple interpretations. Purpose:This workshop aims to draw the attention to ‘thinking technologies’ in the field of nursing. Furthermore the purpose is to explore the meanings of these ‘technologies’ and to discuss how the impacts of nursing practice are or may be. Theoretical framework:The workshop is inspired by feminist theory, especially the feminist point about the relation between the concepts, objectivity and ‘gaze’. From a feminist point of view it is not possible to adopt an outside non-intervening position.

    workshop arrangør sammen med lektor Gitte Jørgensen
    Periode14 apr. 2015
    PlaceringCopenhagen, DanmarkVis på kort


    • professionsuddannelser
    • undervisningsmetode
    • eksperiment
    • tanketeknologier