NECA (Nordic Early Childhood Systems Approach Research

  • Ida Kornerup (Deltager)
  • Schrøder, V. (Deltager)
  • Liv Gjems (Deltager)
  • Bente Vatne (Deltager)
  • Susanne Garvis (Arrangør)

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerSeminar


    he new inter-disciplinary research group reflects the understanding that families and preschool play important roles in the shaping of children's outcomes, including their academic, social, health, well-being and beliefs. Our unit of study includes the child, their families and the institutions where families are involved. We consider that concept of family as a multifaceted concept embracing diversity. Families are continually evolving and take on many different forms.
    Periode23 jan. 2017
    PlaceringGøteborg, SverigeVis på kort
    Grad af anerkendelseInternational


    • Børn og unge
    • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning