Nordic Confrence of Religious Education

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangement af en begivenhed - typerKonference


    Educating towards religious competence / authoritativeness in different learning environments
    For the majority of children in Denmark the formal religious education takes place in school (82% attend the public school, Folkeskolen) and also in a church or other confessional institution. According to statistics 71% of Danish youth celebrated the rite of confirmation in the Lutheran church (Folkekirken) in 2015. RE as a school subject changed in 1975 from bringing up the children within a confessional framework towards a non-confessional subject focused on knowledge about Christianity and other religious worldviews, which is justified culturally and existentially.

    Didactic literature tend to distinguish the two kinds of formal religious education by the difference of preaching/ not preaching or confessional/ non-confessional. We are in the first face of launching a project that will investigate the two kinds of learning environments and question some of these basic assumptions. The Lutheran Church and the public school are different institutionally, but historically rooted in a similar cultural frame. What does actually distinguish the two? Ritual practice? Religious instruction as opposed to knowledge about religion? The project will investigate the concept of religious competence or authoritativeness in both learning environments in order to develop didactic methodologies based on the principle of religious freedom and the ability to respect the freedom of the other. The methodology is action research combined with didactic theory.

    • We would like to present the design of the project in order to improve by discussion and criticism from colleagues in a single open forum presentation
    Periode12 jun. 201715 jun. 2017
    PlaceringTartu, FinlandVis på kort