Personlig profil

Forsknings- og udviklingsområder

As a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, I began my research in cardiac biomarkers by studying animal models at the Department of Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet).

After completing my Ph.D. and postdoctoral work, I joined University College Copenhagen (Københavns Professionshøjskole - KP) in 2013, following the Danish law mandating the integration of research into university colleges (professionshøjskoler).

Since then, I have contributed significantly in establishing the research environment within the Biomedical Laboratory Science bachelor’s degree programme, essentially building it from the ground up. My primary focus has been to foster a more academic and research-oriented culture within the education. In doing so, I have continued my research in pathology and clinical biochemistry with an emphasis on advancing biomedical laboratory science.

A key aspect of my research involves collaboration. I actively engage students and colleagues from KP, alongside partners from industry and clinical departments. Together, we are driving a cultural shift among biomedical laboratory scientists, encouraging them to base their practices on evidence and research, thereby contributing to the continuous development of their profession.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Ph.d., Københavns Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 14 sep. 2012, Københavns Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 13 mar. 2003


Lektor, Københavns Professionshøjskole

maj 2018 → …

Adjunkt i postdoc lign. stilling, Professionshøjskolen Metropol

aug. 2014apr. 2018

Adjunktvikar, Professionshøjskolen Metropol

sep. 2013jul. 2014

Postdoc, Rigshospitalet

jan. 2013jun. 2013

Ph.d.-studerende, Rigshospitalet


Forskningsassistent, Rigshospitalet


Underviser af dyrlægestud. i kirurgisk teknik, Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole


Praktiserende dyrlæge , Gundsø Dyreklinik, Roskilde (12 mån)


Praktiserende dyrlæge, Jordbruksverket, stordyrspraksis (6 mån)



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