A survey on client-centered practice among Danish occupational therapists

Bidragets oversatte titel: En spørgeskema undersøgelse af klientcentreret praksis blandt danske ergoterapeuter

Anette Enemark Larsen, Helene Nyborg Adamsen, Sarah Boots, Emma Caecilie Guttzeit Delkus, Louise Lunde Pedersen, Jeanette Reffstrup Christensen

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftsartikelForskningpeer review


Background: In Denmark, the cost of healthcare services comprise 12% of the gross domestic product. A recommended method for optimizing effectiveness of and enhance client satisfaction with healthcare is client-centred practice (CCP), a central component of occupational therapy ideology. However, Danish occupational therapists’ perceptions of CCP, including the facilitators and barriers that may contribute to CCP, have never been examined.
Aim: To examine Danish occupational therapists’ perceptions of CCP.
Methods: A survey was conducted using an electronic questionnaire in a small, but representative sample of Danish occupational therapists from all regions and practices.
Results: Three hundred and forty-six occupational therapists (5%) responded. Of these, 98% rated CCP as important, 97% considered their work client-centred, and 92% were satisfied with their level of CCP. Having time to conduct self-directed work, using assessments to identify clients’ priorities, and CCP education, but not fixed regimes, were positively correlated with CCP.
Conclusion: Danish occupational therapists perceive to practice CCP and appear to have adopted the beliefs, theory and ideals of CCP, perhaps influenced by the egalitarian Danish culture. Self-directed work, means to identify and evaluate their clients’ wishes, and education facilitated CCP. Possible absence of occupational therapists not compliant with CCP makes further research warranted.
Bidragets oversatte titelEn spørgeskema undersøgelse af klientcentreret praksis blandt danske ergoterapeuter
TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)356-370
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 29 jul. 2019


  • Sundhed, ernæring og livskvalitet
  • COPM
  • equality
  • partnership
  • power
  • Sygdom, sundhedsvidenskab og sygepleje
  • Rehabilitation
  • healthcare
