Betydning af udlandspraktik for udvikling af bioanalytikerfaglighed - master projekt i naturfagsdidaktik

Publikation: Kandidat/diplom/masterMasterForskning


This study documents how two students in Medical Laboratory Technology have developed their Practical Knowledge and Professional Identity during 5 months of practical training in a hospital laboratory in Ankara, Turkey. In order for students to be able to do practical training in Ankara as a part of their Bachelor degree studies, an Erasmus programme between Metropolitan University College and Ankara University has been established. To build up an understanding of the students development during the stay in a foreign laboratory they have participated in qualitative interviews at the beginning of their stay, during the stay, and after they returned to Denmark.

The students’ development has been analysed using a model illustrating Practical Knowledge by Peter Jarvis and a model on Professional Identity by the Danish Union of Medical Laboratory Technologists.

The stay in a foreign laboratory has developed the students Content Knowledge, Process Knowledge and Skills and Beliefs and Values, and they have showed their ability to combine the different kinds of knowledge. They are also now aware of a part of their knowledge that used to be Tacit Knowledge. During the 5 month at Ankara University they have increased their focus on values as Theoretical and Practical Knowledge, Responsibility, Awareness of Quality, Professionalism and Solidarity.

The two students have experienced that they have gained strength, self confidence and courage. They have participated very actively in their own learning process and have experienced Theoretical and Practical Knowledge and Knowledge Sharing as very important values for professional development. Due to major differences between the laboratory in Denmark and Turkey the two students have especially benefited from the stay concerning their Awareness of Quality. They have also experienced positive interactions with patients and this has benefited to their development on their view on the patient as the centre for the bio analysis by the Medical Laboratory Technologist.

This study has shown that it can be very beneficial for students to do a part of their practical training in a foreign laboratory. I will recommend development of partnerships with more university hospitals around the world to motivate more students to do part of their professional training at a foreign laboratory.
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2010
