Children and young people’s participation in child protection: international research and practical applications

Mimi Petersen, Katrin Kriz

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper/skriftligt oplægForskningpeer review


Present the questions and preliminary conclusions of a book project entitled Children and Young People’s Participation in Child Protection: International Research and Practical Applications under contract by OUP.
Discuss recent international examples of research and practical applications that promote genuine participation by children and young people that can shift the power dynamics between children and adults.
Inspire children and young people, children’s rights activists, child protection and international development practitioners, students, scholars, and public policymakers in child protection to design and implement participatory practices.
Publikationsdato1 sep. 2021
StatusUdgivet - 1 sep. 2021


  • Børn og unge
  • Læring, pædagogik og undervisning
  • Socialt arbejde og sociale forhold
