Conclusion: the potentials of a lived citizenship perspective for critical social work research

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Fahnøe and Warming provide a cogent overview of how a lived citizenship approach enables critical analyses of social work and social policies by addressing challenges related to rights, recognition, participation, belonging and identity. The sub-concept of intimate citizenship and a spatial analysis approach reveal how clients’ struggles in intimate and societal life, and in public and private spaces, are intertwined with geo-politics and global flows of governance strategies, e.g. neoliberalism and managerialism, which also condition social work practices. Indeed, social work constitutes a kind of sociological magnifying glass through which broader social changes can be studied, including dynamics of inclusion and exclusion, new conflicts and modes of resistance, and new social pathologies.
TitelLived citizenship on the edge of society : rights, belonging, intimate life and spatiality
RedaktørerHanne Warming, Kristian Relsted Fahnøe
Antal sider19
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Trykt)9783319550671
ISBN (Elektronisk)9783319550688
StatusUdgivet - 2017
NavnPalgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series


  • inklusion
  • socialt udsatte
  • socialpolitik
  • udsatte unge
  • eksklusion
