Extending CoNavigator into a collaborative digital space: 21st ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, GROUP 2020

Mark Murnane, Don Engel, Stephen Freeland, Lee Boot, Mark Jarzynski, Katrine Lindvig, Line Hillersdal, David Earle

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterForskning


We present an extension of the existing CoNavigator collaboration system that allows for persistence of in-person collaboration sessions through a digitally projected overlay and camera system. This augmented reality environment allows participants in a CoNavigator session to resume from a previous session without having to laboriously recreate the physical state of the space manually. By combining features traditionally found only in digital space with the intuitive nature of a tactile physical environment, we hope to produce a tool that builds on the work of CoNavigator and lowers barriers to adoption while increasing efficacy.
Publikationsdato6 jan. 2020
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 6 jan. 2020
Udgivet eksterntJa


  • Collaboration
  • Computer vision
  • Group work
