Liberating literacies: L1-students resources for stance-taking in the literature classroom

Kristine Kabel, Lene Storgaard Brok

    Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftAbstraktForskningpeer review


    Keywords: Reflection literacy, students’ meaning-making resources, literature education, lower secondary school, qualitative case studies
    Making aspects of privileged ways of participating visible is central to supporting students’ literacy development within different disciplines. However, educational linguistics and literacy studies on students’ meaning-making resources in lower secondary school indicate that some significant resources within L1 at this stage of schooling are often part of an invisible curriculum (Christie, 2012; Folkeryd, 2007; Macken-Horarik,1996,2006; Penne, 2006). Suggesting that L1 emphasizes a knower code, and thus students’ attitudes and dispositions, more than a knowledge code (Maton, 2010), this paper is based on two different and ongoing Danish studies which investigate students’ resources for stance-taking in their literary response texts (Year 8) and their resources for negotiation and collaboration (Year 5). The purpose of both studies is to develop a metalanguage adequate to characterize interpersonal aspects of students’ actual meaning-making resources, a metalanguage that can support discussions of privileged ways of participating and of co-constructing L1, and thereby support the lower secondary teacher in a visible pedagogic.

    The central questions are:
    How can students’ critical, reflexive literacy in lower secondary school be characterized?
    Which pedagogical approaches support students’ critical, reflexive literacy?

    The studies are inspired by approaches to the importance of explorative meaning-making processes in the classroom (Flower, 1994; Aadahl et al., 2010) and by social semiotic notions of reflection literacy (Hasan, 1996, 2011) as well as critical literacy (Gee, 2012; Gibbons, 2006;), which emphasize students’ meta knowledge and agency as central elements in a liberating learning process. The dynamic interrelationship between students’ meaning-making resources and the pedagogical context is an integral part of this theoretical framework.
    The sampled data involve participant observation throughout one school year (three Year 8 and five Year 5 classes) and consist of students’ written texts, student interviews, video recorded classroom observations and field notes.
    Preliminary results show a variety in students’ resources for stance-taking, specifically in regard to what extent other voices are integrated in texts, and they show a pattern in students’ linguistic choices in the literature classroom and their metadiscourses. Moreover, privileged ways of participating in group work about text production involve strategies that enhance students’ development of an independent voice and of resources for stance-taking. Such strategies can be supported by the L1 teacher.
    Antal sider2
    StatusUdgivet - 2015


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