Loading intensity of jumping exercises in post-menopausal women: Implications for osteogenic training

Brent Smale, Eva Wulf Helge, Mette Kreutzfeldt Zebis, Christoffer Højnicke Andersen, Tine Alkjaer

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Post-menopausal women frequently exhibit low bone mineral density, and therefore, evidence-based exercises that induce osteogenic loading and prevent osteoporosis are often essential. The purpose of this study was to investigate the loading intensity of 3 different jumping exercises in post-menopausal women. Fourteen post-menopausal women participated in this study and completed a series of countermovement jumps, drop jumps, and hard landings. A full-body kinematic and kinetic analysis was performed to estimate the load intensity. Peak hip extensor moment and rate of moment change were significantly greater (P <.05; η 2 = 0.483-0.693) in the first landing of the drop jump than the countermovement jump and hard landing. Hip stiffness approached significance (P =.067), while peak vertical ground reaction force, vertical ground reaction force loading rate, and vertical ground reaction force index (peak*loading rate) were significantly greater (P <.01; η 2 = 0.259-0.864) during the hard landing. The drop jump and hard landing appear to generate the greatest loads at the highest rates and therefore are likely to have the largest osteogenic impact. Thus, future rehabilitation programs aimed at enhancing osteogenesis in post-menopausal women are encouraged to include these easily implemented jumping exercises.

TidsskriftTranslational Sports Medicine
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)30–36
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2018


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