Marginalized Greenlanders in Denmark: Support strategies, successes, and challenges.

Bidragets oversatte titel: Socialt udsatte grønlændere i Danmark: Støtte-strategier, successer og udfordringer

Siddhartha Baviskar, Helle Møller

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterFormidling


While most Greenlanders in Denmark are doing well, a minority group (6-10%) live under marginalized and socially isolated circumstances most (about 1/3) in the larger cites of Aalborg, Aarhus, Copenhagen, Esbjerg and Odense. Nation-wide initiatives to help improve the living conditions of this minority group were launched in 2013 and follow-up initiatives commenced in 2017, spreading beyond the five initial cities.
This talk begins with a discussion of how being marginalized as a Greenlander in Denmark has been described in the literature and the factors that may lead to marginalization. We follow this with a description of the initiatives that are currently running in Denmark under the state-supported “Strategy for marginalized Greenlanders in Denmark” and the rationale for implementing these initiatives. We end the talk with a presentation and discussion of the preliminary results from a qualitative research project focusing on project leaders’ and field workers' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to the success of the initiatives under the Strategy.
Bidragets oversatte titelSocialt udsatte grønlændere i Danmark: Støtte-strategier, successer og udfordringer
Publikationsdato7 okt. 2019
StatusUdgivet - 7 okt. 2019
BegivenhedMarginalized Greenlanders in Denmark: : Support strategies, successes, and challenges. - Laval University Research Centre, Quebec City, Canada
Varighed: 7 nov. 20197 nov. 2019


Foredrag/oplægMarginalized Greenlanders in Denmark:
LokationLaval University Research Centre
ByQuebec City


  • Socialt arbejde og sociale forhold
  • socialt udsatte grønlændere
  • indsatser
