Measuring Teachers´ Understanding, Feasibility and Acceptability Of Two School-based Physical Activity Interventions: Active School Study

Lise Sohl Jeppesen, Jesper Ninn Sandfeld Melcher, Linn Damsgaard, Malene Norup Stolpe, Jacob Wienecke, Charles H Hillman, Anna Bugge

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterForskningpeer review

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To evaluate the implementation outcomes of two different school-based physical activity (PA) interventions during an 8 weeks pilot study.
The two interventions were developed through a one-year design process:
1) Move & Learn (ML): PA implemented into the curriculum in Danish and Math and based on embodied learning theories
2) Run, Jump & Fun (RJF): High intensity PA based on exercise and cognition theories
Participants were 29 3rd grade teachers from seven public primary schools.
Both interventions consisted of 4x30 minutes of PA weekly. Strategies to impact teacher understanding, acceptability and feasibility included:
- Course (6 hours in week 0)
- Supervision session (3 hours in week 4)
- Materials (posters, booklets and videos)
Implementation was measured using the Usage Rating Profile-Intervention (URP-I), a validated, 29-item self-report electronic questionnaire covering six indicators of adoptability and implementation of interventions. Five out of six factors were included: 1) Acceptability, 2) Understanding, 3) Feasibility, 4) System Climate and 5) System Support. All items were scored from 1=strongly disagree to 6=strongly agree and average ratings were computed. The URP-I was measured before and after the intervention. Group interviews with teachers were conducted. An interview guide were applied and interviews were thematically analyzed.

The results showed no significant decline in any of the implementation outcomes except for acceptability in RJF. In all interviews, the course and supervision sessions were mentioned as the most important intervention strategies.

Both interventions scored high for acceptability and understanding at baseline and follow-up in surveys and interviews, indicating that the implementation was sustained throughout the 8 weeks period. The two interventions are therefore ready for the next project phase, a three-armed RCT investigating academic performance and health outcomes.
Publikationsdato1 jun. 2023
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2023
BegivenhedAmerican College of Sports Medicine : 2023 Annual meeting and World Congresses - Denver, USA
Varighed: 30 maj 20232 jun. 2023
http://American College of Sports Medicine


KonferenceAmerican College of Sports Medicine
