Navigating the real world: The value of supervising Honours student nurses during home-based visits: An ethnographic case study of Honours nursing students' semantic distributions

Cecilie Betzer, Kristian Larsen, Niels Sandholm Larsen, Anette Hindhede, Lee Rusznyak

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftsartikelForskningpeer review


Introduction: This study explores Honours students' enacrment of home.based nursing during their internships. The emphasis is on examining how the structure of these internships impacts the students' chances for knowledge building and. consequently, enhances the quality of their learning experience.
Method: The study employs a case-based approach, cencentrating on four Honours nursing students who were meticulosly observed over a period of two days each, using shadowing ethnography, as they provided home-based care. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with the students, one supervisor, and individuals overseeing the internships. We utilized analytical tools frem the Semantic dimension of Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to analyse the students' enactment of practice based in their reflections annd actions.
Findings: Notable differences were identified between how the students drew on knowledge and principles when they were with a supervisor who were actively mediating the home-based visit versus when home-ba
AndetJournal of Nursing Research & Professional Knowledge
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - 24 jun. 2024


  • Uddannelse, professioner og erhverv


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