Older Migrants' Cancer Rehabilitation: Patient-experienced Barriers and Employed Strategies

Kathrine Hoffmann Pii, Karin Piil, Dorthe Susanne Nielsen, Karin Brochstedt Dieperink

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPaper/skriftligt oplægForskningpeer review


Ethnic inequality in health is widely established worldwide and within the area of cancer, ethnic disparities persist across the entire cancer trajectory, including screening, time to diagnosis, treatment outcomes, survival rates, and rehabilitation.

In Denmark, ethnic minority status is identified as a factor that creates vulnerabilities in cancer rehabilitation especially among older migrants due to low socio-economic status, limited education, health literacy level, language barriers, and cultural differences.

This study explored older migrants’ experiences of their cancer trajectories and the rehabilitation practices that they and their caregivers engaged in. The aim was to identify the patients’ and caregivers’ rehabilitating resources and needs to inform the future development of targeted rehabilitation interventions.

Material and Methods
Qualitative interviews were conducted with 14 patients treated for various cancer types in Denmark. Patients were above 50 years old and originated from countries outside Denmark. Seven caregivers, mainly adult children, were also interviewed. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.

Patients’ rehabilitation resources included a wide range of strategies that were primarily practiced outside the established healthcare system and services. They included various forms of physical activity, dietary changes, psycho-social support, and spiritual coping and were supported in family and other social networks.

Barriers to rehabilitation were experienced at different levels. They included structural barriers in the health care system and society in general as well as in interpersonal relationships and collaboration with health care professionals and family and social networks.

The study identifies older migrants’ rehabilitation efforts and experienced barriers and sheds light on the dynamics that create ethnic inequality within cancer.
Publikationsdato29 aug. 2024
StatusUdgivet - 29 aug. 2024
BegivenhedDanske Kræftforskningsdage - Odeon, Odensen, Danmark
Varighed: 29 aug. 202430 aug. 2024


KonferenceDanske Kræftforskningsdage


  • Sundhed, ernæring og livskvalitet
  • etniske minoriteter
  • kræftrehabilitering
