Promoting Innovation in the Social Services: An Agenda for Future Research and Development

Hanne Marlene Dahl, Johannes Eurich, Kristian Fahnøe, Chris Hawker, Gorgi Krlev, Andreas Langer, Georg Mildenberger, Michael Piper

Publikation: Bog/antologi/rapport/Ph.d. afhandlingBogForskning


European welfare systems are under increasing pressure to transform and adapt to the present and future challenges of our globalized world. This is especially true of the comprehensive field of health, welfare and informal education services –that we will all use at one point or another during our lifetimes. Social services, generally speaking, are changing. Research conducted by the INNOSERV social platform identified a diverse set of themes: . This research agenda outlines how the various stages of investigation worked together to develop possible solutions to the issues surrounding social service innovation, and revealed how they might stimulate future lines of investigation. The seven key research themes identified by INNOSERV are:

(1) User-centred services and approaches,
(2) Innovations and organizational as well as institutional development,
(3) Framing social services in relation to innovation,
(4) The governance of social service innovation,
(5) The influence of national, regional and local contexts,
(6) New technologies,
(7) Measuring outcomes, quality and challenges.
Forlag Heidelberg University
Antal sider112
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-00-044731-0
StatusUdgivet - 2014


  • innovation
  • innovation og entreprenørskab
