Social repair of relationships: rights and belonging in outreach work with homeless people

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


This chapter explores how the lived citizenship of homeless people is shaped in their everyday encounters with outreach workers. This chapter analyses the multiple ways in which the outreach workers assist homeless people in order to restore or establish beneficial social relations with welfare organisations, friends and family, and communities. These social relations are viewed as the foundation of citizenship as experienced and practised. Focusing on how two dimensions of lived citizenship, namely rights-responsibilities and belonging, are affected by the social repairs, the chapter shows how the outreach work affects the homeless people’s belonging in ambiguous ways and that enjoyment of legal rights does not necessarily lead to a sense of belonging
TitelLived citizenship on the edge of society : rights, belonging, intimate life and spatiality
RedaktørerHanne Warming, Kristian Relsted Fahnøe
Antal sider21
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
ISBN (Trykt)9783319550671
ISBN (Elektronisk)9783319550688
StatusUdgivet - 2017
NavnPalgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series


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