Taste for falls prevention: a social-analytical perspective.

Lotte Evron, Kirsten Schultz-Larsen, Ingrid Egerod, Tine Fristrup

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftAbstraktForskning


We explored the modernization of the health care system by using social-analytic
contemporary diagnosis to explain new tendencies in the health care system
such as empowerment and self-care. A falls clinic situated in a Danish hospital
was studied. We were interested in how new legal obligations such as rehabilitation plans were handled at the site. We analyse our interpretations from the meeting with people in the field using the so-called social analytic cartography. The maps allowed us to navigate in the field observing the world from different perspectives. Conflict structures were placed under a microscope and discussed as different forms of conflicts. The falls clinic seemed to focus on theoretical knowledge and to privilege people who were already able to take care of themselves and motivated for lifestyle changes. One way of dealing with the downsides of the modernization and radical individualization would be to include the patient experience and practical knowledge.
Publikationsdato17 maj 2008
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 17 maj 2008
BegivenhedFourth Conference of Qualitative Inquiry - University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, USA
Varighed: 14 maj 200817 maj 2008
Konferencens nummer: 4


KonferenceFourth Conference of Qualitative Inquiry
LokationUniversity of Illinois
