The desire to learn as a kind of love: gardening, cooking, and passion in outdoor education

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‘Haver til Maver’ is an organic school gardens project at Krogerup farm in Northern Sealand, Denmark, which provides children with first-hand experiences in a natural, outdoor environment. The general intention of the project is to expand children’s competences and their knowledge of nature, farming and food preparation. This article draws on a new evaluation of ‘Haver til Maver’ based on qualitative as well as quantitative studies carried out by education researchers. The evaluation shows very positive learning benefits linked to experience and enjoyment. The outdoor learning programme and environment represents a unique addition to the national curriculum of the Danish state school system, providing the possibility of interdisciplinary and enjoyment-based learning. One of the main conclusions is that the pupils who participate in the ‘Haver til Maver’ programme develop a desire to learn. A number of the competencies they develop relate directly to the subject of science, as well as other school subjects such as Danish, maths, history, environmental and health education. Parents confirm the learning benefits and view ‘Haver til Maver’ as a unique supplement regular school teaching. The experience dimension and a certain communication of love on site provide one possible explanation as to why the desire to learn is stimulated among the pupils
TidsskriftJournal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)125-141
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2013
Udgivet eksterntJa


  • Green education
  • Outdoor learning
  • Competence development
  • Adventure education
  • Passion of love
  • Experience


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