Theorizing lesson study: two related frameworks and two Danish case-studies

Carl Winsløw, Jacob Feldbak Bahn, Klaus Rasmussen

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


    – Lesson study refers to certain well-established professional development practices for teachers in Japan. Over the past 30 years, the phenomenon drew the attention of scholars in other countries, and their writings have inspired several “movements” of lesson study implementation. As scholars observe both successes and difficulties in these endeavors, the need arises for finer methods to characterize and monitor the processes and objects which go into what is broadly
    referred to as lesson study. This brief presents an overall characterization of lesson study in terms of the notion of paradidactic infrastructure, in relation to specific adaptations of two related theoretical frameworks. We argue that the use of these frameworks can help sharpen researchers’ understanding of lesson study as a phenomenon. We exemplify the use of these tools with cases from our own work on pre- and in-service teacher development in Denmark.
    TitelMathematics lesson study around the world : Theoretical and Methodological Issues
    RedaktørerMaria Quaresma, Carl Winsløw, Stephané Clivaz, Joâo Pedro de Ponte, Aoibihinn Ni Shúilleabháin, Akihiko Takahashi
    Antal sider10
    Publikationsdato29 apr. 2018
    ISBN (Trykt)978-3-319-75696-7
    StatusUdgivet - 29 apr. 2018
    NavnICME Monographs


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