Projects per year
Personal profile
Annette Søndergaard Gregersen is Senior associate lecturer at University College Copenhagen at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Denmark and has published on culture pedagogy in language teaching and learning in both a national, a transnational and global perspective with a focus on French as a foreign language in Denmark. Teaching areas are FLE and academic mobility. Empirical areas researched are the (inter)cultural dimensions of foreign language (French) teaching and learning and foreign language policies in Denmark.
In 1990 she was appointed as a consultant in French as a foreign language in the Danish Ministry of Education. From 1994-1998 she was the inspector in French as a Foreign language in the Danish Ministry of Education. In 1999 she started her ph.d studies at Roskilde University.
In 1999 she also started at Haslev College of Education as a lecturer in French as a foreign language, specializing in didactics and pedagogics. In 2001 she became a senior lecturer and was appointed Head of International Relations. She was also appointed Chairman of the board of acceptance of lecturer applications in French in teacher education in Denmark by the Ministry of Education and elected by colleagues as Chairman of the French Teaching Society for professors at Colleges of Education in Denmark. In 2001 she was also appointed for censorship in French, didactics and pedagogics by the Danish Ministry of Education.
Annette Søndergaard Gregersen has launched a number of investigations concerning teaching and learning abilities in intercultural communication in primary and lower secondary education in Denmark, with a special focus on French as a foreign language:
- teachers’ point of view on the cultural dimension in the teaching of French and their expectations for the development of this dimension in a multicultural society
- pupils’ point of view on the learning aspect in the cultural dimension and their expectations on the use of French and the cultural dimension in their further studies
- projects on didactics in the teaching of foreign languages in teacher education
- projects on internationalisation and cultural understanding in teacher education
- international Comenius projects in a comparative aspect with focus on a) ICT, b) lifelong learning and c) local and global citizenship
Thus her research has often taken the form of collaboration with international research group of repute in teaching colleges at universities.
Annette Søndergaard Gregersen has published more than 100 articles and several books, also peer reviewed in Danish and international magazines like “Sprogforum”, “Unge Pædagoger”, “Fransknyt” og “Sproglæreren”, “Synergies Pays Scandinaves”/Gerflint, Nordiques/, Paris, Choiseul and edited teaching materials for French as a foreign language, educational documents for the Ministry of Education for both lower secondary and secondary education as well as for teacher training education.
2024: Officier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques
2020--- Senior associate lecturer at University College Copenhagen, Faculty of Education and responsible for research and development in the language department in Teacher Education.
2008-2020 senior lecturer in French/FLE at teacher education, Zahle, also teaching international Erasmus primary teacher education students in international modules in English at University College Copenhagen
2008: Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques.
2007: Ph.d. in humanities from Roskilde University, Institute of Culture and Identity
2006: M.A. – master education in leadership and organisation from the Danish University School of Education
2003: M.A. – candidatus paedagogicae in general pedagogy from The Danish University of Education
2001-2010: Head of International Office at Haslev College of Education/University College Sealand, responsible for Erasmus exchanges and international applications, among others Comenius
2001: senior lecturer at Haslev College of Education, University College Sealand
1989: M.A. – candidatus in French language and culture from The Danish University of Education
Education/Academic qualification
ph.d.i kulturpædagogik, kulturdidaktik og internationalisering i fremmedsprog med særlig fokus på fransk, Roskilde University
Award Date: 1 Jan 2007
Master i ledelse og organisationsudvikling, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet
Award Date: 1 Jan 2006
Cand. Pæd. i almen pædagogik, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet
Award Date: 1 Jan 2003
Cand. Pæd. i fransk, DLH, nu DPU
Award Date: 1 Jan 1989
fagkonsulent i Grundtvig-programmet, Styrelsen for Internationalisering
2009 → 2010
lektor, University College Capital
2009 → …
lektor samt international konsulent, Haslev Seminarium
2000 → 2009
Ekstern ph.d.-studerende med undervisning, Roskilde University
2000 → 2006
Fagkonsulent i fransk, Undervisningsministeriet
1994 → 1998
Folkeskolelærer, Søndre Skole, Køge
1980 → 2000
- intercultural relations
- learning, educational science and teaching
- information and communication technologies and e-learning
- culture
- research designs, theory and method
- methodology
- innovative teaching
- professional identity
- research methodology
- schools, courses and institutions
- children and youth
- education, professions and jobs
- humanities
- professional bachelor programmes
- curriculums
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Kritisk brug af kunstig intelligens i sprogfagene: Kompetenceudvikling af nye lærere og didaktisk udvikling i et elevperspektiv
Gregersen, A. S. (CoPI), Meyer, B. (Principle researcher), Schmidt, M. B. (Co-researcher) & Lauta, K. O. (Co-researcher)
01/01/24 → 30/06/25
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Grøn skole i dansk og sprogfagene
Gregersen, A. S. (Principle researcher), Steffensen, T. (Principle researcher), Cortsen, R. P. (Co-researcher), Watson, C. A. (Co-researcher), Schmidt, M. B. (Co-researcher), Hansen, T. (Principle researcher) & Daverkosen, L. L. M. (Co-researcher)
01/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Implementering af ny PD-uddannelsesretning 'Sprogfagsvejleder'
Thomsen, H. (Principle researcher), Gregersen, A. S. (Co-researcher) & von Holst-Pedersen, J. (Co-researcher)
25/10/21 → 01/07/23
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Tidlig sprogstart - fransk i 3. og 4. klasse i skoleåret 2021-2022
Gregersen, A. S. (Principle researcher), Jensen, N. H. (Co-researcher), Aktor, L. (Co-researcher), Dannemand, M. (Co-researcher), Møller, B. (Co-researcher), Knudsen, A. (Co-researcher), Berg, H. (Co-researcher), Søndermark, D. (Co-researcher), Nellemann, A. (Co-researcher), Larsen, P. (Co-researcher), Hye, P. (Co-researcher), Gudmand, M. L. (Co-researcher) & Grunnet, L. (Co-researcher)
01/08/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Tidlig fransk i 3./4. klasse
Gregersen, A. S. (Principle researcher), Dannemand, M. (Co-researcher) & Zimmert, E. (Co-researcher)
03/08/20 → 30/09/22
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Research output
Debat: 13 sprogfolk advarer mod forslag om at droppe tysk og fransk
Gregersen, A. S., Hansen, C. F., Østergaard Nielsen, C., von Holst-Pedersen, J., Oldenburg Lauta, K., Kjærbæk, L., Rahn, L., Andersen, L. K., Jensen, N. H., Jensen, S. H., Gaardsmand, S., Löbl, S. K. & Fernandez, S., 26 Jan 2024, Monitormedier.Research output: Other contribution › Contribution to digital media
De første år som lærer er helt afgørende, men der er ikke meget hjælp at hente
Gregersen, A. S., 2024, In: Folkeskolen.Research output: Contribution to journal › Comment/debate
Open Access -
Forsker og folkeskolelærer siger ja tak til praksisfaglighed i franskfaget
Gregersen, A. S. & Hjort Hvillum, R., 2024, In: Folkeskolen.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Communication
Open Access -
Grundskoleforskere: Sprogfagene står overfor tre grundlæggende udfordringer
Andersen, L. K., Hattesen Balle, S., Hellesdatter Jacobsen, G., Gregersen, A. S., Löbl, S. K. & Olsen, M., 24 Jan 2024, output: Other contribution › Contribution to digital media
Open Access -
Idékatalog til franskfaget: Særlig udstilling satte nye tanker i gang
Gregersen, A. S. & Hestad, K., 1 May 2024, output: Other contribution › Contribution to digital media
Open Access
Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques
Gregersen, A. S. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Other distinction
Officier dans l'ordre des palmes académiques
Gregersen, A. S. (Recipient), 24 Jun 2024
Prize: Appointment
1. opponent på ph.d. afhandling
Gregersen, A. S. (Expert)
29 May 2024Activity: Other activity types › Other
Afsluttende seminar - Tidligere sprogstart
Gregersen, A. S. (Introductory speaker), Löbl, S. K. (Introductory speaker), Lindschouw, J. (Introductory speaker) & Meidell Sigsgaard, A.-V. (Introductory speaker)
24 May 2018 → 25 May 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Apprentissage précoce des langues, le francais en classe 3 et 4 au Danemark
Gregersen, A. S. (Introductory speaker)
14 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Aarhus Universitet (Publisher)
Gregersen, A. S. (Referee)
5 Mar 2020 → 17 Mar 2020Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Reviewer/editor of journal
Afskedsforelæsning og efterfølgende reception for Anne Holmen
Gregersen, A. S. (Paricipant)
12 Jan 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Conference
Debat: Sprogfagslærerne står sidst i køen på skolelederens kontor
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Her er de 21 fagudvalg, som skal udvikle nye fagplaner
Rønberg, L.F.-J., Olsen, H. F., Gregersen, A. S., Eychenne, D. E., Sigurdsson, L., Andersen, U., Langhoff, J. H., Overgaard, S., Hansen, B. K., Jensen, J. J. & Andersen, L. B.
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Her er grundene til, at vi ikke vælger fransk og tysk i gymnasiet
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Nye tal: Færre elever vil fortsætte tysk og fransk i gymnasiet
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media