Frank Cloyd Ebsen
  • 63

Research activity per year

Personal profile


Docent (senior reader, researcher) at University College Copenhagen since 2013. This involves independent research, economical and administrative management. I work on a daily basis with quality assurance and development of research in social work with vulnerable children and adolescents. Since 1995 I have myself, and in cooperation with others completed approximately 50 different research studies of social work.

In the past years, appropriations from funds have played a major role in the field of research. An eight-year project funded by TrygFonden regarding the supervision of video-recorded consultations between young people and statutory caseworkers has created new insights into a crucial tool for statutory caseworkers. In connection to this, we have worked closely with Cascade at the University of Cardiff.

A project on decision-making in social work with vulnerable children and adolescents has lead to a cooperation in a particular Special Interest Group in European Social work Research.

In a community college, there is a certain responsibility to create a tight connection between education and research. It demands the research to be closely connected to practical work, which is why it is designed to improve the practical work. This contains ongoing contact with user organisations, municipalities, departments, professional organisations, etc.

I take part in different collaborations with research institutes at Copenhagen University, Roskilde University, a.o. I have been responsible for TrygFonden's forum for applied reserach in children and adolescents' well-being (TAFIBUT).

From Jan 2024 to 2026, I am working with children's participation in local decisions on out-of-home placements.



Work areas

Primary fields of work:

My primary field of work is to manage the research programmes concerning children and adolescents at the social workers' programme at University College Copenhagen. At this moment, we have 8 projects in the area of children and adolescents. I have the administrative and professional responsibility.

Other work areas:

Lately, I have been a referee for research reports for SFI, the National Reseachcenter for Welfare and in research journals such as Journal of Social Work. Furthermore, I am a member of the editorial office for the journal Tidsskriftet Udenfor Nummer and Social Kritik. I organized the Nordic NOUSA/Forsa' conference in November 2016 regarding Decisions, outcome and change.



Project management: Professional
Networking: Professional
Fundraising: Professional
Administration: Professional
Management: Professional

Education/Academic qualification

Fil.dr, Lund University


Daglig leder af Nationalt Center for Udsatte børn og unge, NUBU, Metropol EVU

1 Jan 201112 Dec 2015

Ekstern lektor, Aalborg University

Leder af forskning og udvikling Udsatte børn og unge, forvaltning og administration, Metropol EVU


  • social counseling
  • social work and social conditions
  • social politics
  • children and youth
  • out-of-home placement
  • Media, communication and languages


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