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1997 …2024

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Work areas

As a senior associate professor at the Department of Social Work, I lead our research program on Vulnerable Adults. Udsatte voksne — Københavns Professionshøjskole (kp.dk)

In this program, we engage in research on social work for persons in vulnerable social positions. My own research within this context focuses on social work, rehabilitation, Supported Employment / Individual Placement and Support (IPS), and citizen involvement, with a specific emphasis on people with mental health problems and disabilities.

My research background stems from my Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Copenhagen, where I explored Danish disability policy and the Danish disability movement. Subsequently, my research has concentrated on social interventions and rehabilitation for persons with mental health problems or disabilities. In recent years, I have placed particular emphasis on the 'Individual Placement and Support – IPS' method, leading an implementation study of IPS in Denmark.

Since 2019, I have been heading the Reconnect project, collaborating with colleagues at UCC, The Danish Center for Social Science Research, and Roskilde University to test an adapted IPS model for young people experiencing mental distress in three municipalities. I utilize qualitative methods and have experience involving citizens with mental health problems as co-researcher, through participatory methods.

Learn more about the IPS and Reconnect projects:

IPS – Individuelt planlagt job med støtte (wpengine.com)

Reconnect – Individuelt målrettet støtte (reconnect-kp.dk)



Project management: Several years of experience
Networking: Several years of experience
Fundraising: Several years of experience

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.d grad, University of Copenhagen

Award Date: 2 Oct 2006

Minoritetsstudier, University of Copenhagen

Award Date: 12 Mar 2002

cand.scient.pol., University of Copenhagen

Award Date: 1 Sept 1996


Forsker, Anvendt KommunalForskning, AKF

1 Sept 200828 Feb 2010

Akademisk Fuldmægtig, Center for Ligebehandling af Handicappede

15 Apr 199830 Aug 2008

Forsker, Socialforskningsinstituttet

1 Jan 199728 Feb 1998


  • social work and social conditions


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