Projects per year
Personal profile
Research and development areas
I am a researcher of children, (digital) technology and education for social change.
My research interests generally/currently fall within four categories – but also often outside these:
- Agency and empowerment of children in relation to digital technologies. This is properly the defining interest for my research. It grew from a frustration with the widespread belief in children as ‘digital natives’ and the idea that technologies - in themselves - can empower against social, economic or political inequality. But it is (nonetheless) also based on an optimistic belief in the empowering potential of technologies for children.
- Educating (cyborg) children. Most of my current research is on technology education in relation to both teacher education and K-9 education. My main interest is how to educate children in relation to the technologies ways that emphasize technologies as ‘hybrid’ or socio-technical phenomena that are already very much present in the everyday life of these children. I primarily conduct this research in relation to the Danish subject area ‘technology comprehension’ (teknologiforståelse).
- Technological sustainability in the Anthropocene. In continuation from the above, I try to conduct research on how to educate children on digital technologies as having ‘earthly existence’ and ‘earthly consequences’ both in their own life and in the world at large. For instance, how can primary education help children to grasp how technologies are part of ecosystems of minerals and metals, humans and labor, business models and revenue streams, and massive amounts of energy and heat generation.
- The relationship between science, society and technologies. I have great affection for Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Donna Haraway's Situated Knowledge is stuck on repeat inside my head. This implicates an interest in researching the real-world empirical existence of concepts such as objectivity, technology, science, etc., and what such real-world existence implicates and affords (and for who).
You can find more here: ORCID - Google Scholar - My own research webpage
- I head the research program Digitization in Schools at University College Copenhagen – follow us here:
- I co-head the National Knowledge Centre on Technology Comprehension – follow us here:
- I Chair of the Danish Association of Science and Technology Studies (DASTS) – follow us here:
2022 - Docent (senior associate professor), UCC
2019-2022 Lead consultant, UCC
2017-2019 Research developer, AU, UC Syd and PHA
2014-2017 Postdoc, AU
2009-2013 PhD Student, AU
(Prior misc...)
Media training for researchers (2023 at Information), teacher training for university teachers (2015 at Aarhus University)
2014 - PhD on (educational) technology in international development (
2009 - Master of science in information studies and visual culture (
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
DATAWELL: The Datafication of Wellbeing (DATAWELL): New Pedagogical Practices and Interventions in the Danish public school
Andersen, L. B. (CoPI), Parazu, I. (Principle researcher), Ratner, H. F. (CoPI) & Gahoonia, S. K. (Co-researcher)
01/01/25 → 24/12/27
Project: Research
Fagudvalg for teknologiforståelse
Andersen, L. B. (Principle researcher), Hjorth, M. (Co-researcher), Holler, M. K. (Co-researcher), Kvist, J. (Co-researcher), Rasmussen, C. A. (Co-researcher) & Carstensen, S. E. R. (Co-researcher)
01/10/24 → 15/08/27
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Videnscenter for digital teknologiforståelse
Andersen, L. B. (Principle researcher), Nielsen, C. B. (Principle researcher), Müller, M. B. (Principle researcher), Frydendahl, J. A. (Principle researcher), Slot, M. F. (Principle researcher), Dissing Møller, L. (Principle researcher), Schrøder, V. (Principle researcher), Dyrendom, K. (Principle researcher), Jensen, J. J. (Principle researcher), Rehder, M. M. (Principle researcher) & Exner, M. (Principle researcher)
01/08/23 → 01/08/28
Project: Research
TEKLU: Teknologiforståelse som fag i læreruddannelsen
Slot, M. F. (Principle researcher), Andersen, L. B. (Co-researcher), Rehder, M. M. (Co-researcher), Andersen, L. M. F. (Co-researcher), Møller, T. E. (Co-researcher), Lisborg, S. (Principle researcher), Dissing Møller, L. (Principle researcher) & Jensen, J. J. (Principle researcher)
01/08/21 → 01/07/24
Project: Research
File -
Kompetenceløft for teknologiforståelse på Læreruddannelsen
Andersen, L. B. (Principle researcher), Rehder, M. M. (Co-researcher), Nortvig, A.-M. (Co-researcher), Hjorth, M. (Co-researcher), Lindsø, B. (Co-researcher), Nielsen, L. (Co-researcher), Jepsen, K. N. (Co-researcher), Petersen, N. A. I. (Co-researcher), Kornholt, B. (Co-researcher), Wiskerchen, M. (Co-researcher), Dissing Møller, L. (Co-researcher), Madsen, P. H. (Co-researcher), Emtoft, L. M. (Co-researcher), Jespersen, P. (Co-researcher), Lorentzen, R. F. (Co-researcher), Dumanski, T. (Principle researcher), Køhrsen, L. (Co-researcher), Oxenvad, C. (Co-researcher), Østerby Toft , D. (Co-researcher), Prætorius, J. (Co-researcher), Hargbøl Madsen, P. (Co-researcher), Ebsen, R. (Co-researcher), Fonfara , A. (Co-researcher), Schou, D. V. (Co-researcher), Jørgensen, C. (Co-researcher), Georgsen , M. (Co-researcher), Hansbøl, M. (Co-researcher), Jørnø, R. L. V. (Co-researcher), Slot, M. F. (Co-researcher), Tafdrup, O. (Co-researcher), Fie Rasmussen, H. (Co-researcher), Kjærgaard, T. (Co-researcher), Gustenhoff , M. (Co-researcher) & Petersen, L. (Co-researcher)
01/03/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Development project/ Innovation
Infrastructuring Digital Literacy in K-12 Education: a National Case Study
Andersen, L. B., Basballe, D., Buus, L., Dindler, C., Hansen, T. I., Hjorth, M., Iversen, O. S., Johannessen, C. M., Kanstrup, K. H., Lorentzen, R. F., Misfeldt, M., Musaeus, L. H., Nielsen, C. B., Petersen, M. G., Schrøder, V. & Slot, M. F., Dec 2024, In: International Journal of Child - Computer Interaction. 42, p. 1-10 10 p., 100697.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Open Access -
Overvågning og trivselsmåling: Dilemmaerne begynder i skolen
Ratner, H. F. & Andersen, L. B., 2024, Overvågning på arbejdspladsen: Når AI bestemmer. Jarlner , M. & Escherich, K. (eds.). Djøf Forlag, p. 125-146 22 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Contribution to book/anthology › Research › peer-review
Docent: Vi svigter børnene, når vi reducerer deres digitale liv til en debat om skærmforbrug
Andersen, L. B., 31 May 2023, In: Politiken.Research output: Contribution to journal › Newspaper article
Forskere: Den nye læreruddannelse spiller fallit på teknologiforståelse
Slot, M. F., Andersen, L. B., Hjorth, M., Petersen, M. G. & Misfeldt, M., 2023, In: Altinget. 2023, 13.martsResearch output: Contribution to journal › Comment/debate
Hvordan bliver teknologiforståelsesfaglighed til i mødet med eksisterende fagligheder?
Georgsen , M., Jørnø, R. L. V., Rehder, M. M., Andersen, L. B., Buhl, M., Hjorth, M., Misfeldt, M. & Nørgård, R. T., 1 Sept 2023, In: Læring og Medier. 16, 28, p. 1-21 21 p., 28.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Open Access
- 8 Lecture or presentation
Bagom digital teknologiforståelse - centrale begreber og teorier
Andersen, L. B. (Introductory speaker)
19 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Digital myndiggørelse som tidens store (ud)dannelsesprojekt?
Andersen, L. B. (Introductory speaker)
30 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Grøn teknologiforståelse – mellem det brede og smalle teknologibegreb?
Andersen, L. B. (Introductory speaker) & Lisborg, S. (Introductory speaker)
8 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Kan vi skabe sammenhæng i teknologiforståelsen?
Andersen, L. B. (Introductory speaker)
13 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
Keynote: The challenge of digital citizens in contemporary societies - Or why each profession must develop their own technology comprehension
Andersen, L. B. (Introductory speaker)
8 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture or presentation
PRM / Med støtte fra Nordea-fonden lancerer Red Barnet nyt program: Børneliv i Digital Trivsel skal styrke læreres kompetencer og elevers handlekraft og trivsel
Nicolaisen, A.-B. O. & Andersen, L. B.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Skoleleder, fagudvalg og minister: Sådan kan skoler bruge nedslående rapport om teknologiforståelse
13/11/24 → 13/11/24
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Nyt forskningsprojekt om dataficeret trivsel i skoleklassen
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
»Der er langt større fleksibilitet, end der var i 2014« : Fagudvalg mødtes for første gang om nye fagplaner
Rønberg, L.F.-J. & Andersen, L. B.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Her er de 21 fagudvalg, som skal udvikle nye fagplaner
Rønberg, L.F.-J., Olsen, H. F., Gregersen, A. S., Eychenne, D. E., Sigurdsson, L., Andersen, U., Langhoff, J. H., Overgaard, S., Hansen, B. K., Jensen, J. J. & Andersen, L. B.
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media