Development and test of a job accommodation intervention - Assistive Technologies & Environmental Accommodations at work for persons with physical disabilities (ATEA-project)

Project: Research

Project Details


Assistive Technologies & Environmental Accommodations’ (ATEA) aims to develop and test a process guide & model for optimizing assistive devices and workplace adaptations for people with physical disabilities based on procedures for intra-municipal workflows and collaboration with workplaces. Methods: 1) Intervention development: Co-creating “ATEA” with individuals with physical disabilities, occupational therapists, social workers, and companies; 2) Feasibility testing and process experiences.

Layman's description

Udvikle og afprøve en model for optimering af hjælpemidler og arbejdspladstilpasning for personer med fysisk funktionsnedsættelser, baseret på procedure for intrakommunale arbejdsgange og samarbejde med arbejdspladser
Effective start/end date01/09/24 → …

Collaborative partners

  • (lead)
  • Københavns Kommune


  • education, professions and jobs