Strengthening Proactive Adaptation, and Early Action Systems to Enhance Food Security and Resilience to Multiple Hazards among Pastoralists in the Borana Zone, Ethiopia.

  • Egedorf, Maren Marie (Principle researcher)
  • Lehmann, Sanne (Principle researcher)

Project: Research

Project Details


Pastoralists in Borana, Ethiopia live with unstable livelihoods and food insecurity. Formal early warning systems exist but have not yet translated into effective action. This project aims to stabilize pastoralist livelihoods and food security through enhanced disaster preparedness by improving and developing locally relevant early warning systems, making them context sensitive, locally responsive, and ‘actionable’.
The project primarily focuses on two Challenge Questions: 1) Data for effective early action; 2) Effective early action at Community level. Employing a community-based, multi-hazard approach, the project conducts participatory action research to obtain a deeper understanding of perspectives and priorities of local communities, and of the particular risk, vulnerabilities and capacities that exist. Six work packages address various aspects of the research including literature review, interviews, reporting of findings, co-creation of early warning system and dissemination.
The project generates insights into community perspectives and vulnerabilities and actionable recommendations for early warning systems. Collaboration among project partners facilitates the creation and implementation of community-based early action tailored to Borana's specific needs, enhancing resilience. Direct impact is ensured through actual implementation of co-created early warning systems in pastoralist communities in Borana Zone in partnership with an ongoing DANIDA funded project.
Short titleFood security and early warning
Effective start/end date01/09/2431/08/25

Collaborative partners

  • ADRA Danmark (Project partner) (lead)


  • research designs, theory and method
  • action research
  • social work and social conditions
  • Food security
  • Livelihoods


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