Administering the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in occupational therapy practice – the state of the art

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalAbstractResearchpeer-review


Introduction: The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure is a well-known measurement amongst occupational therapists (OTs), however some questions remained unanswered:
• does the COPM promote a client- practice (CCP) and facilitate an occupational perspective?
• can it be used by all to all?
• is it valid, reliable and responsive?

Objective: to present the synthesized results from eight papers concerning the assumptions and pshychometrics behind the COPM, in order to enable OTs to conduct a valid, reliable and feasible use of the measurement.

Methods: in the studies, several methods were undertaken, including a scoping review, a multi-step translation process including cognitive debriefing interviews with users, cross-sectional studies examining the validity, reliability, responsiveness and minimal important change (MIC) with a broad range of OTs and their clients from different Danish settings, and qualitative interviews of OTs and their clients.

Results: The COPM promotes CCP, provides insight into the client's life and enhance collaboration. It identifies client's values and wishes for occupational engagement. It can be used if you understand and commit to an occupational perspective and CCP. Prerequisites are: commitment, willingness to listen clients, good interviewing skills, time and institutional support. The COPM seems applicable to all clients, but difficulties have been seen in some groups. Its validity and reliability depend on the OTs requesting occupational performance issues and that the clients only score performed occupations. The change achieved is credible and a MIC has been identified.

Conclusion: The COPM is a valuable tool in occupational therapy practice, enhancing core values of the OT profession.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2022
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventWorld Federation of Occupational Therapy: Occupational R-Evolution - Paris, France
Duration: 27 Mar 202230 Mar 2022
Conference number: 18


ConferenceWorld Federation of Occupational Therapy
Internet address


  • clinical assessment methods, lab technology and radiography
  • health, nutrition and quality of life

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