Building Positive Emotions and Playfulness

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingContribution to book/anthologyCommunication


This chapter focuses on the What? Why? and How? of building positive emotions and playfulness. What are positive emotions and playfulness? Why are these concepts part of the foundation of positive education? And How may we build positive emotions and playfulness in our pedagogical practice. In the profession of teaching, positive emotions and playfulness are closely linked to the development of coping skills and strategies, social competencies, cognitive competencies, and learning, as well as to the VIA character strengths. The chapter gives examples and suggestions as to how positive emotions and playfulness may be implemented in the three phases of teaching: preparation and lesson planning, pedagogical practice in the classroom, and evaluation of the lesson. The chapter furthermore looks into how positive emotions and playfulness are part of and contribute to the positive educational framework, to both student and staff wellbeing in the classroom, and as well as in the learning institution as a workplace.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education
EditorsMargaret L. Kern, Michael Wemeyer
Number of pages20
Publication date24 Jun 2021
ISBN (Print)9783030645366
ISBN (Electronic)9783030645373
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2021


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