Didactic methodologies based on philosophical reflection, critical thinking, and structured dialogue in HRE and in the interplay between HRE and RE. How can didactic methodologies based on philosophical reflection, critical thinking, and structured dialogue qualify teacher students to address paradoxes and dilemmas in HRE, as well as in the interplay between HRE and RE?

Lakshmi Sigurdsson, Kirsten Margrethe Andersen

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalAbstractResearchpeer-review


Student teachers must learn to address the complex and demanding political and ethical dilemmas which can either enable or undermine democratic struggles for rights. Combining Dietrich Benner’s non-affirmative theory of formation and the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt we introduce a didactic methodology based on Arendt’s interpretation of thinking. We argue that a concept-oriented approach, focussing on core concepts (such as freedom, conscience, equality, responsibility) can stimulate learners to reflect on the multiple, equivocal, and historically contingent trajectories of human rights and qualify teachers to address dilemmas in the cross-roads between HRE and RE.
Translated title of the contributionDidaktiske metoder baseret på filosofisk refleksion, kritisk tænkning og struktureret dialog til undervisning i menneskerettigheder og i samspil med religionsundervisning.: Hvordan kan didaktiske metoder baseret på filosofisk refleksion, kritisk tænkning og struktureret dialog kvalificere lærerstuderende til at adressere paradokser og dilemmaer i krydsfeltet mellem undervisning i menneskerettigheder og religion?
Original languageEnglish
Publication date14 Jun 2022
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jun 2022
EventNCRE Nordic Conference on Religious Education: "RE IN THE CROSSROADS?!" - Latvia University, Riga, Latvia
Duration: 14 Jun 202218 Jun 2022
Conference number: 2022


ConferenceNCRE Nordic Conference on Religious Education
LocationLatvia University
Internet address


  • learning, educational science and teaching

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