Early math intervention for marginalized students: a mixed method substudy of high achieving students

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalPaperResearchpeer-review


This study is one of more substudies in the project Early Math Intervention for Marginalized Students (TMTM2014). The paper presents the initial process of this substudy that will be carried out fall 2015.
In the TMTM2014 project, 80 teachers, who completed a one week course in the idea of TMTM (Lindenskov et all. 2015), are observing and teaching both high and low achieving students by the same teaching materials (Lindenskov og Weng 2013) . This makes the foundation that gives the teachers the opportunity to provide characteristics of both high and low achieving students with the aim that these teachers will be able to include this knowledge in their future teaching.
In the presentation, we focus on the teachers’ characteristics of the high achieving students and the teachers’ ability to incorporate this knowledge in their teaching of high achieving students during the intervention.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2015
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventNORSMA 8: The Nordic Research network on Special Needs Education in Mathematics - Høgskolen Kristianstad, Kristianstad, Sweden
Duration: 19 Nov 201520 Nov 2015
Conference number: 8


ConferenceNORSMA 8
LocationHøgskolen Kristianstad
Internet address


  • education
  • learning


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