Local enactments of global ECEC policy: The importance of place

Research output: Contribution to conference without a publisher/journalPaperResearchpeer-review

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This paper demonstrates how the new national curriculum for the Danish ECEC area, implemented in 2018, is drawing on global discourses of both competition and nationalism. But comparing the specific ways in which the work with the curriculum is carried out in two daycare centers situated in two very different parts of Denmark, the paper shows how the ECE professionals interpret and enact the curriculum through very different understandings of its purpose. It is demonstrated how the professionals draw on values and rationales, that connects the decontextualized policy documents to institutional context and place.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date8 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2023
EventRECE - Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education - Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Sept 202310 Sept 2023


ConferenceRECE - Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • education, professions and jobs


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