Organizational practices of data use: Accountability and sensemaking in 14 Danish elementary schools – valuable, difficult and potential practices of data use

Søren Hornskov, Kristian Gylling Olesen

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The debates on data use in the professional communities of Denmark are marked by skepticism concerning the validity and usability of national testing for local instructional and developmental purposes (Bundsgaard and Puck 2016). These attitudes mark the controversies associated with the use of standardized testing in Danish schools in comparison with the use of a wider variety of tests and other types of data. We take these as examples of a broader, ongoing debate on accountability policies and practices in Denmark.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date9 Mar 2018
Publication statusPublished - 9 Mar 2018
EventNERA 2018 : Educational Research: Boundaries, Breaches, and Bridges - Oslo Universitet, Oslo, Norway
Duration: 8 Mar 201810 Mar 2018
Conference number: 46


ConferenceNERA 2018
LocationOslo Universitet
Internet address


  • management, organizational development and innovation


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