Prospects and Challenges in Teachers’ Adoption of a New Modeling Orientated Science Curriculum in Lower Secondary School in Denmark

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution to proceedingpeer-review


Abstract: A new science curriculum with a significant emphasis on modeling has recently been adopted in Danish compulsory education. The purpose of this paper is to identify the key changes between the new and previous curriculum, and analyze what kind of prospects and challenges this may lead to when teachers adopt this new curriculum. The data sources include audio recordings of three teacher-teams’ talk-in-interaction during their instruction planning. In addition, science teachers completed an electronic questionnaire (n=227). Significant changes were identified between the new and previous curriculum in relation to: (i) The characteristics of what and how to address models and modeling in the teaching, (ii) Assessment requirements, (iii) Teaching approaches, (iv) Subject-specific versus interdisciplinary teaching, and (v) The prioritizing of different inquiry practices. The analysis suggests that teachers have a positive attitude towards the modeling emphasis in the new curriculum, and models play an important and valued role as a learning tool. In addition, teachers have a tendency to see models as a product of content knowledge and concepts to be learned. Teachers raised concerns in adopting the new curriculum due to: (i) Lack of time for preparation, teamwork and teaching, (ii) Shortage of clarifications and examples in the curriculum materials, (iii) Shortage of teacher education and in-service training how to adopt modeling in practice, (iv) Overcrowded curriculum and fragmented teaching time with students, and (v) Lack of alignment with a national test and an exam. The findings will have implications for teacher education, professional development and curriculum development.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education
Number of pages12
PublisherESERA Conference Proceedings series
Publication date2018
ISBN (Print)978-1-873769-84-3
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • education, professions and jobs
  • schools, courses and institutions


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