Protocol 2: Cultural Game Jam Kit: EPIC-WE Cultural Game Jam Processes, Phases, Methods, and Tools (Initial protocol)

Kim Holflod, Rikke Toft Nørgård

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingContribution to reportResearchpeer-review


EPIC-WE is an EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation project which includes 12 EPIC-WE Partners from five countries. The project’s overall methodology is based on Design-Based Research (abbreviated as DBR; methodologically drawing on McKenney & Reeves, 2019).

The present document is the first of four individual subreports that together make up the EPIC-WE D3.1 report “Protocols for carrying out cultural game jams in local sites”

D3.1 Protocol 1: Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation: EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Ecosystems and Cultural Hubs (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 2: Cultural Game Jam Kit: EPIC-WE Cultural Game Jam Processes, Phases, Methods, and Tools (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 3: EPIC-WE Research Protocol for Cultural Game Jams in Local Sites (Initial protocol)

D3.1 Protocol 4: EPIC-WE Practical Protocol for Cultural Game Jams in Local Sites (Initial protocol)

The 4 subreports support the EPIC-WE project in carrying out its research and innovation interventions on the macro-level (EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation Ecosystem), on the meso-level (EPIC-WE Cultural Hub), and on the micro-level (EPIC-WE Cultural Game Jams).

Protocol 1 describes the ‘design’ of the EPIC-WE Quadruple Helix Cultural Innovation Ecosystem and Cultural Hubs, which brings together Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Creative Industries (CI), Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHI), and Youth Citizens (YCs), to do research and innovation together, thus connecting and operationalising the four helices of the QH ecosystem. This epistemic and practical partnership across helices uses the ‘design’ of the EPIC-We Cultural Game Jam Kit (Protocol 2) and the ‘construction’ of the EPIC-WE Research Protocol (Protocol 3) to innovate and research the format of cultural game jams, game-making as a form of culture-making, and the creation of games through and for culture. Protocol 4, EPIC-WE Practical Protocol, describes, in a beginning way, how the Quadruple Helix Cultural Partners can work together in Cultural Hubs to facilitate Cultural Game Jams that position game-making as a form of culture-making and lead to the creation of games through and for culture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProtocols for carrying out cultural game jams in local sites
Number of pages166
Publication date2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • learning, educational science and teaching

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